Program: ESPON
Lead partner: FCEER (Centre for Euroregional Studies Galicia – Northern Portugal Foundation)
Partners: EGTC GNP, Via Carpatia EGTC, HELICAS EGTC, Grande Region EGTC, EGTC TRITIA, USC, U.Porto, UOWM, PROCES, Grigoris Zarotiadis, Niklas Eklund
Schedule: 2025-2027
Budget: 800 000 EUR
Project description: The goal of this project is to conduct research on cross-border integration in the ESPON area. The analysis will cover all cross-border regions, combining extensive national and cross-border research and adding a bottom-up perspective on cross-border functional areas with a European outlook. The project will support EU policy creation, as well as national and regional policies. Tritia will be tasked with establishing a laboratory responsible for research flow in cross-border cooperation and policy.
Consistency with strategy and action plan
Strategic objective:
SP2: Deepening the knowledge of decision-makers with a focus on experience exchange
SP3: Enhancing the knowledge and partnerships of public institution employees from individual regions
Action plan: