Smartguide – mobile tourist guide to the Triple Borders

Program:  The project is funded by EGTC TRITIA

Lead partner: EGTC TRITIA

Partners: Destination companies of the affected tourist areas and the MSK Destination Company:
MS tourism s.r.o., Těšín Silesia CZ – Regional Council for Development and Cooperation based in Třinec, z.s., Těšín Silesia PL – Euroregion Śląsk Cieszyński, Kysuce – Kysuce Tourism Organisation

Schedule: 2024 –

Budget: 5 000 EUR, Annual operating costs: approx. €1800

Project description: Creation of a regional mobile tourist guide covering the area of 3 tourist destinations – Těšín Silesia (CZ), Region Kysuca (SK), Těšín Silesia (PL). The existing mobile application Smartguide will be used, where information from the websites of the participating tourist areas will be transferred. Sustainability of the project – updating of information will be solved in cooperation with the involved project partners.

Consistency with strategy and action plan

Strategic objective:

CR1 Attract new visitors (including disabled) from outside the regions.
CR5 Increase visitor awareness of “attractions on the other side of the border”.
CR7 Create a common data base to enable effective targeting of marketing activities.
CR12 Promotion of the activities of the TRITIA EGTC.
SP4 Creation of an information system linking the TRITIA area.

Action plan: