The Regional Hubs Network – making the experience of local and regional authorities more effective in EU policy-making.

Program: European Committee of the Regions, RegHubs

Lead partner: EGTC TRITIA

Partners: Committee of the Regions CoR

Schedule: Ongoing

Total: 0,- €
Fund :
Co-financing : 0

Project description: The Regional Hubs Network, coordinated by the Committee of the Regions (CoR), aims to make more effective use of the experience of local and regional authorities in EU policy-making. During the pilot phase of the project (2019-2020), the CoR will consult 20+17 selected regions and obtain their views on the implementation of EU policies in 3 or 4 areas.


  • Preparation of procedures. Seminars in Brussels
  • Analysis of the impact of the EU decree on public procurement
  • Analysis of the impact of the EU Decree on Air Protection
  • Analysis of the Public Health Decree