Program: Interreg PL- SK

Lead partner: EGTC TRITIA

Partners: OZ Chováme doma, SK

Implementation: 02/2021-10/2021

Total: 40 915,95 €
EGTC TRITIA: €33,904.95
of which: €3,390.51 – own contribution

Project description: The project was based on the latest research, expert opinions on the possibility of stopping the drying of the ecosystem in various areas of our lives. Together with experts, 5 separate online courses and field workshops at the Castle in Cieszyn were prepared. The topics of the courses included: water in the forest ecosystem, water in the agricultural ecosystem, water in watercourses, sewage in the urban landscape and the module: water and education. The courses were open and addressed to forestry, agriculture, education, local government employees, as well as environmental activists and other professions. The project also produced a study publication in Polish and Slovak for course participants, secondary schools and the general public. As part of the project, expert workshops were held, which resulted in another publication: “Plan of good solutions for cultural institutions on the example of Cieszyn Castle in the field of improving water management and microclimate”. The project also resulted in the reprint of the expert book “New Water Paradygma” (500 copies in the Slovak version) and its translation and first edition in Polish – also in an edition of 500 copies.
