Program: Interreg V-A PL – SK 2014 – 2020, Micro Project Fund
Lead partner: EGTC TRITIA
Partners: without partners
Schedule: 7/2017 – 6/2018
Budget: 47 465,- €
Project description: The project “We speak Slovak! We speak Polish” was to serve to jointly solve the common need of the project’s target group on both sides of the border, i.e.: to improve communication and the quality of cooperation between institutions and NGOs from Poland and Slovakia in the cross-border area by improving the language competences of employees of these entities and increasing knowledge in the field of culture, tradition and history of Poland and Slovakia. A long-term change was the training of 60 people who will be able to communicate in Polish/Slovak and will have knowledge of the culture, tradition and history of the neighboring country as well as terminology related to EU projects. Increasing these competences among the target group of the project increased the quality of communication during the implementation of joint ventures and cross-border projects and increased the intensity of contacts between institutions and organizations on both sides of the border. Cross-border cooperation can be even more intense if representatives of public institutions and organizations understand their languages and know the culture and traditions of the neighboring country.
As part of the project, Polish language courses were held in Čadca and Žilina, and Slovak language courses in Bielsko-Biała and Cieszyn.
Two off-site language courses were held, groups from Poland had the opportunity to visit the Strečno Castle and Budatin Castle, and make a study visit to Žilina at the headquarters of the Stanica Zariiecie organization. While in Poland, Slovak groups visited the Castle Museum in Pszczyna, the Shepherd’s Center in Koniaków, and the “Na Grapie” Museum in Jaworzynka. During the study visit, they met with the employees of Cieszyn Castle.
At the end of the project, a conference summarizing the project was held, during which participants received certificates of participation in language courses.