Program: International Visegrad Fund
Lead partner: EGTC TRITIA
- House of Social Services and Amenities for the Elderly Zákamenné (SK)
- Horelica Social Services Centre (SK)
- “Pogodna Jesień” Social Care Home in Cieszyn (PL)
- Social Services Centre in Český Těšín (CZ)
- 9sil Foundation (PL)
- Svätý Jozef Social Commission (CZ)
- House for the Elderly Sv. Elisabeth Convent of the Sisters of St. Elisabeth in Jablunkov (CZ)
- Cambio Foundation (PL)
- Social Care Home “Betania” (PL)
- Home for the Elderly in Vrbno (CZ)
Schedule: 6/2018-9/2020
Total: EUR 24 500,-
Fund : 100%
Co-financing : 0
Project description: The project consists in external support for institutions providing care for the elderly – Nursing Homes from the border areas of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. As part of it, a series of away, integration art therapy workshops has been planned, in which seniors and their carers will take part. Another action planned under this sentence is training in methods of working with seniors who struggle with dementia. These trainings are aimed at medical and natural carers (families), nurses, occupational therapists and management staff of Nursing Homes. The project is to indirectly counteract the social exclusion of the elderly, and the motive for taking these actions are social phenomena: the process of aging of the society, the extension of life expectancy, the loss of authority of the elderly and the disintegration of traditional, intergenerational families.
International therapeutic seminars for seniors to be held in nursing homes and assisted living facilities:
- 06.08.2019 – Retirement Home in Jablunkov (Monastery of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth) Czech Republic
- 18.11.2019 – District Nursing Home in Cieszyn (Poland)
- 02.12.2019 – Horelica Social Services Centre (Čadca, Slovakia)
This project developed special songbooks – a therapeutic tool for working with seniors in the therapy in nursing houses.

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.