Program: International Visegrad Fund
Lead partner: HELP NET. Support and Integration Centre (Serbia)
- Horelica Centre for Social Services from Slovakia
- TRIANON, z.s from the Czech Republic
- EGTC TRITIA Sp. z o.o. from Poland
Implementation: The project will run from 1 February 2022 to 3 October 2022.
EGTC Tritia: EUR 1800.00
Fund: 100
Total: 30 150,00 €
Fund: 100
Project description: The aim of the project is to contribute to the involvement of young and old people in solving social problems, bringing both generations closer together through dialogue as an important method in a democratic society. The project will ‘hear the voices of older and young people’, which will be a good basis for an advocacy process with policy makers. On the other hand, the project creatively contributes to the rapprochement of generations – through a new form of artistic expression – performance.
The artistic and promotional activities of this project are:
- dialogue (discussion);
- intergenerational performances;
- a short film containing excerpts from the project activities (debates and performances); a final conference to promote the results and products of the project.
The EGTC TRITIA will be responsible for the organisation of two debates. After each debate, conclusions will be drawn which will serve as a comparative analysis and then as a promotional tool for improving public policies in the social security system and in the field of intergenerational solidarity.
Consistency with strategy and action plan
Strategic objective:
Objective LZ5 International cooperation in support of institutions with a social and educational profile (in terms of educational, animation and care activities), including the improvement of the environment in which elderly and disabled people of different ages live.
Action plan:
International Cooperation of Universities of the Third Age and Senior Citizens’ Clubs

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.